Gears, zeny, and items in the account are probably around 2B in value. I'm interested in trading my account for Steam wallet or DOTA 2 keys. * iRO Chaos Renewal Can provide in-game screenshots for those interested! .; Got skype? Yes, sent you a PM. EDIT: Your inbox is full. Anyway, add me up in Steam first. steamcommunity com id/thefuzzybear (I can't post links because of my small post count. Just connect the words together, as in add periods in-between "com"). Thanks. Hit me a message here or in Steam when you're online. - - - Updated - - - Ok, might as well post my skype ID: gabriel.ryan.lopez Quick list of the gears/zeny *** Equipment of my Sura is MVP boss hunt-oriented, with around 1B in value, namely: +9 [Carat] Turkey, 99 Love Balloon (lower headgear), [Incubus] Sunglass (middle headgear), +12 [2xAK] Carga Mace, +7 Immune Nyd, +4 [Alice] Valk Shield, +9 [Ogretooth] Valk Shield, Variant Shoes, Glove of Sura, [Phen] Diabolus Ring*** *** Ranger is ASPD build, reaching 193 ASPD with VIP buffs and Celermine juice + Awakening potion. Currently has +6 Big Cross bow (uncarded), White Wing set (not very good enchants though), Sound amplifier, [Phen] Ring, etc. etc.*** Plus, I have in-game zeny of around 500m. More if I sell things. Can post/give screenshots for proof. Any takers? - - - Updated - - - Screenshots. I can also just sell the items/zeny if anyone's interested. bump UPDATE: Account sold.