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Discussion in 'Rise of Civilizations Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Nikode, 9/25/19.

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  1. Nikode

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    Selling beastly account in kingdom witch is about 50days old. I am using way too much time on this game, when I should focus something else instead. I have no clue about right pricing either, I just drop random number. Free to share your feelings on price And we can negotiate on that.

    Power wise it's not strongest (top 40), but commanders are ready to beat anybody in kingdom in open field attack when it is 1v1. And it's always 1v1 because it's focused cav only so you will have speed to out run all enemy's expect 2 guys in kingdom are proved to be little faster. Still working that up, but decided to focus more to farming to keep resource income higher. Also getting around 150k Xp daily from expedition mode as 8 chest daily for aethelfield. Enough medals to buy 3 heads per day. VIP 10 also provides daily 1 golden head.

    Speaking about rss, it's got some rss items and as well 2 farm in same kingdom to keep rss income up everyday. One are still small and it's only focus own grown, but other is stronger with about 170k troops, mainly t3. Ch 18 with about that lvl rss buildings as well. That farm also have VIP 7 unlocked for second builder.

    So, let's start listing a main account features as it's gonna be most interesting after all.

    Building lvl are as follow:

    CH 23

    Hospitals 4 x 21

    Castle 16

    AC 22

    Trading post 17

    Tavern 22

    Barracks 18

    Stable 22

    Archery 21

    Siege 17

    Scout 22

    Storehouse 22

    Goldmine 10, 9, 12, 18

    Quarry 15, 15, 21, 23

    Lumber 16, 21, 22, 18

    Farm 22, 23, 22, 21

    Watchtower 17 and half way to 18

    Commanders are as follow and some have extra heads or heads what used later when leveling them up eventually.

    Minamoto: LVL 52 (6 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Kusunoki: LVL 43 (5 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Cao Cao: LVL 40 (5 Stars) Skills are 5-3-5-2 ( 30/50 for next skill)

    Baibars: LVL 40 (5 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Sarka: LVL 40 ( 5 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (262 extra heads)

    Centurion: LVL 37 Skills are 5-5-5-5 (172 extra heads)

    Sun Tzu: LVL 15 (4 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Aethelflaed: LVL 24 (3 Stars) Skills are 5-5-1 ( 21/45 for next skill)

    Caesar: LVL 20 Skills are 5-3-1, so it's ruined now, I fixing it slowly in MG

    Gaius: LVL 20 Skills are 5-5-5-0 ( 506/30 for next skill)

    Lohar: LVL 19 Skills are 5-5-4 I Been saving AP for future.( Got 50 spawns items)

    Tomoe: LVL 15 Skills are 5-5-0-0 ( 417/20 for next skill)

    Lancelot LVL 14 Skills are 5-5-0-0 ( 506/20 for next skill)

    Cleopatra: LVL 12 Skills are 5-1-0-0 ( 28/30 for next skill)

    Markswoman: LVL 12 Skills are 5-5-0-0 ( 404/10 for next skill)

    Herman: LVL 11 Skills are 5-5-0-0 ( 2/30 for next skill)

    Joan of arc: LVL 10 Skills are 5-5-0-0 ( 32/30 for next skill)

    Pelagius: LVL 10 Skills are 5-4-0-0 ( 18/30 for next skill)

    Constance: LVL 10 Skills are 5-5-0-0 ( 20/20 for next skill)

    City Keeper: LVL 10 Skills are 5-5-0-0 ( 391/10 for next skill)

    Dragon: LVL 10 Skills are 5-5-0-0 ( 333/10 for next skill)

    Belisaurus: LVL 6 Skills are 5-0-0-0 (40/20 for next skill)

    Then all lvl 1:

    Fred 2-0-0-0 (5/10)

    Charles 2-0-0-0 (7/10)

    El cid 3-0-0-0 (14/15)

    Mehmed 2-0-0-0 (8/10)

    Seomdeok 5-0-0-0 (20/30)

    Scipio 5-0-0-0 (4/20)

    Eulji 5-0-0-0 (76/20)

    Boudicca 5-0-0-0 (53/20)

    Osman 5-0-0-0 (27/20)

    So that's a all info about account what can't go down, put will go up daily as I keep playing more or less while waiting right buyer. So all info what is listed below can chance before that happens, if you want to know if something specific is chanced then pm me or ask on comments. If something dramatic happens, then I will post it as well.

    15k gems

    69 gold stars

    897 epic stars

    29 bundle epic stars

    21 Blessed epic stars

    875 Blue stars

    1400 green stars

    Action points:

    57 x 150

    455 x 100

    26 x 500

    1 x 1000 (More if next ark Osiris bet goes right)

    That's a lot, can be used to gain xp on rally's, lohar heads or killings barbs and winning events.


    330k t4 and 110k t3

    With ablity to do

    Min & CC full cav march

    Boost about 100% attack, 30% defense, 30% health

    Thousand hours of universal speed ups and a lot specific ones
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  2. OP

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    Updated now few months later.. let’s start

    What are you willing to pay?

    Pm me a offer, cuz you as customer will determine account value for you.

    Deal will include 4 accounts

    1 main, 3 farms. So you gaining anywhere between 10-40 million food in day.

    Depends how active you wanna be.

    Plenty of speed ups on your arsenal, mainly universals.

    Account have very respectable stats, what will give you option to join almost any alliance in game. Kvk s1 ending soon, and you can migrate anywhere you want. Already have 10 passports. Currently staying in very lovely international kingdom, if you wish staying here. (Winning kingdom).

    Currently vip 12, 100k points away from vip 13. Gaining 2 golden heads per day on log in bonus as some stats bonuses as well.

    Building are as follow:

    CH 25

    Hospitals 4 x 22

    Castle 17 (Almost books for 18, lvl 19 if unlocking Hannibal chest)

    AC 22

    Trading post 24

    Tavern 24

    Barracks 23

    Stable 23

    Archery 23

    Siege 23

    Scout 25

    Storehouse 22

    Goldmine 17, 17, 18, 24

    Quarry 22, 23, 23, 24

    Lumber 23, 23, 23, 24

    Farm 25, 25, 25, 25

    Watchtower 21 (Almost 22)

    Commanders are as follow

    Khan: LVL 20 (3 stars) Skills are 5-3-2 (Plan is get him as 5-5-5 soon enough, then lvl up more)

    Minamoto: LVL 58 (6 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Kusunoki: LVL 51 (5 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Cao Cao: LVL 50 (5 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Baibars: LVL 42 (5 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Sarka: LVL 40 ( 5 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Maxed)

    Centurion: LVL 37 Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Maxed)

    Sun Tzu: LVL 51 (6 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Aethelflaed: LVL 48 (5 Stars) Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Julius Caesar: LVL 20 Skills are 5-4-1-0

    Gaius: LVL 30 Skills are 5-5-5-5 ( 227 heads)

    Lohar: LVL 49 Skills are 5-5-5-4 Been saving AP for future.( Got 85 spawns items)

    Tomoe: LVL 20 Skills are 5-5-5-5 ( 386 extra heads)

    Lancelot LVL 20 Skills are 5-5-5-5 ( 320 extra heads)

    Cleopatra: LVL 20 Skills are 5-5-1-0 ( 38/45for next skill)

    Markswoman: LVL 20 Skills are 5-5-5-5 ( 245 extra heads)

    Herman: LVL 20 Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Joan of arc: LVL 35 Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Pelagius: LVL 22 Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Constance: LVL 27 Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Maxed)

    City Keeper: LVL 10 Skills are 5-5-5-0 ( 300 heads)

    Dragon: LVL 20 Skills are 5-5-5-5 (Maxed)

    Belisaurus: LVL 50 (6Stars) 5-5-5-5 (Expertise)

    Charles lvl 15 5-3-0-0

    Fred 4-0-0-0

    El cid 5-2-0-0 (14/15)

    Mehmed 4-0-0-0

    Seomdeok 5-0-0-0 (20/30)

    Scipio 5-5-0-0 (80/30)

    Eulji Lvl 20 5-5-5-2

    Boudicca 5-5-4-0

    Osman 5-5-0-0 (65/30)

    So that's a all info about account what can't go down, put will go up daily as I keep playing more or less while waiting right buyer. So all info what is listed below can chance before that happens, if you want to know if something specific is chanced then pm me or ask on comments.

    10k gems (40 days on supply)

    603 gold stars

    25 Bundle gold stars

    12 Blessed gold stars

    1300 epic stars

    Action points:

    66 x 50 AP

    791 x 100 AP

    38 x 500 AP

    68 x 1000AP

    That's actually kinda of insane amount if you ask me.

    You can easily win few events with them


    100k t4 infantry

    400k t4 cavalry

    70k t4 arch

    100k t4 siege

    Military research is good (Cavalry focused due expertise commanders)


    Economic research is good, but just some categories are decent as farms will provide most resources anyways.

    (Will provide screenshots on them or you can ask state of invidual research current provide)

    One picture might explain more than 1000 words.
    On private messages only
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