Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) IOS Main carriers, all t9, t10 carriers 56 , very active player plus weekly 25-75 , total 3.5k

Discussion in 'The Ants Underground Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Scylvendus, 5/30/23.

  1. Scylvendus

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    With a heavy heart i put my 397days old account to sell. I cant keep putting the time in it that the account deserves.
    I am/was a very active player, what some made up with buying i made up with strategy and lots of playing hours.
    But I also invested since midgame regularly, bought two insects (Godzilla and Scorpion) and spent in total roughly 3.500€
    I am the original owner.
    I grew up on server 680-700 and am currently on server 660-680.
    My GH damage is 245mil
    I will keep playing the account as long as someone is buying it from me.
    Currently i am in a strong clan i rank around 10th place damage wise.
    In a few days we will participate in the new island "the barren land"

    I will put lots of fotos, for more info just write me.

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