Selling iOS Level 866 17 million gold 6150 gems...

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brett Man, 2/17/16.

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  1. Brett Man

    Brett Man
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    iOS Level 866 17 million gold 6150 gems DragonForged Carniverous Curio + with set Billowing Hearth + with set Erinyes Vengeance + with set Sundae Sweets + with set Ignoble Finery + with set Deathstalker Tagmata + with set Necrotic Sheildgear + with set Snowburst Trappings + with set Atargatis Storm + with set Fuminatic Rage + with set Witch Doctor’s Wargear + Magnificent Robes + Kashima Featherplate + Alchemical Trinkets with set Yggdrasil’s Banerobes + x 2 Swiftscale Regalia + x 2 King’s Combatgear + Gothic Stonemail Harmonic Battlegear + many epics Line awesomeness91108
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  2. OP
    Jordan Bell

    Jordan Bell
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    For free?
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    Miranua Karish Tap Zoo

    Miranua Karish Tap Zoo
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    Anyone needs a guild to camp if retiring? I have a level 30 guild and am after a strong sent to camp. Play whenever you want or retire in peace. Contact Line id - twboss2
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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