Level 791 Energy 1787 +179 Stamina 775 + 78 Attack 4873 +845 Defense 9 +2 Health 327 +75 Level 4 Ghost, Level 6 Assassin, Level 6 Sniper. Lieutenants Scythee 3* Alpha 4* Irina 2* Natalie 3* Sin 2* Dragon Lord 2* Duke 2* Exterminator 2* Raven 2* Bulldog 3* Scarlet 3* Spectre 1* Chopper 1* Azura 1* Morningstar 1* Vanquish 1* Dominee 1* Scorpion 4* Anson 4* Envy 4* Legendary Items 2x Copperhead Killer 1x Dragon Fang 1x Steel Kraken Bonus 85 Energy Packs 81 Stamina Packs ~3 Billion cash Price: $250 USD Contact: Discord Od#9301 or PM me here
Someone pointed out to me that the energy and stamina packs alone are worth 2.5 vip packs ($250) so I increased the price to $400. I can't update main post for some reason, so I'll just leave this here. Price is #! Buy it now with Middleman!