Selling  Both Android/iOS INTL Howrse, RAs + Divines

Discussion in 'Howrse Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Satan6668, 10/5/21.

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  1. Satan6668

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    Hello, I don't play Howrse anymore so I'm looking to sell my account on the INTL server.

    Currency: 500k+ Equus, 164 Passes

    Horses: 220+, 6 Retired GAs, 2 GAs waiting to retire, 6 Divine horses (4 Reindeer, 1 Japanese Divine, 1 Dragon), then check images for other horse types. I have many horses above 22k skill.

    Items: I have a few unused pets (refer to added image) and 2x unused Monster Eggs.

    !!! Please ONLY message me via discord or Instagram. via Ara#4962 or Instagram. @vampireknife because I most likely will not respond here. I can send more images of things as well as discuss price. !!!!
    Once a deal has been struck I will then reveal the username, and then I will change the email once payment has been sent.

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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