Selling  International Howrse Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Howrse Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Warcopper-97, 8/11/19.

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  1. Warcopper-97

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    Hi, I've been working on this account for almost a year now and I'm looking to sell it. Not getting the fun from the game anymore but I don't want to send all my howrses to the safe haven or sell them. So I'm selling to someone else.

    Profile Info:
    Name: mrcoolio
    Rank Currently: 5009
    Seniority: 286
    # of Howrses Total: 55 (most of the howrses have full BLUP)
    # of Divine or special Howrses: 3 of 55
    # of Donkeys: 1 of 55
    # of Immortal Howrses: 4 of 55
    # of Elemental Howrses: 10 of 55
    # of affixes: 5 (4 can still be reserved)
    Karma points: 10
    Equus: 3,009,287
    Passes: 60
    Blackmarket Items: Fifth Element, Philosophers Stone, Croesus' Fortune, and Pandoras Box.

    Equestrian Center
    Prestige: 61% (steady)
    # of boxes: 52 (box 2 mostly)
    # of meadows: 18
    # of greenhouses: 6
    # of workshops: 4 (all large workshops)

    This took me a while to build up, so I'm not gonna sell it cheap. Literally with $3,000,000 you could just restart the whole game and keep or sell what howrses you don't want.

    If you are interested then, hit me up and I'll sell it to you. I'd honestly rather sell it through paypal but if not I'm not too picky. If you want to check out the profile, there is a link below \/

    mrcoolio's horse rider page - Howrse
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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