VAC Undetected: 18/11/2016 Make sure to have m_rawinput 1 on and aimbot_faceit 1 on for faceit aimbot. Config is saved at %appdata% in configs folder! Only works in fullscreen windowed or windowed mode only! Features: Aimbot Skin Changer Bunnyhop RCS Triggerbot Glow ESP Colored Body ESP Box ESP Health ESP Recoil Crosshair No Flash Slow Aim Console Menu How to use: Code: 1. Completely exit steam. 2. Find a DLL injector. 3. Find a 32-bit process. 4. playerup into the process. Do not playerup into CS GO ! 5. Close your injector. 6. Start steam and CSGO. Press insert to open menu. For skin ids: go to this thread by SPH0: How to input skin id in console: Code: skin_ak47 180 Virus Scans Packed - Virus Total Jotti Unpacked - Virus Total Jotti Most are false positives. @Gaar I fixed the crashes and uploaded updated version. Downloadable Files [Download and Thanks] (217.4 KB)