Looking to sell a FE account with 65+ 5*s: Currently has 159K feathers, and 6X Orbs. Some maps uncleared. Feel free to offer (Not in rush to sell, just gauging offers) Only interested in paypal, would consider MTG staples (modern/legacy) Notable Units: Armor Team: Hector (+ ATK - Speed) Effie +1 (+ATK - RES - Notable skills: DC, Brave Lance+, Slaying Lance+, Gale Force) Winter Tharja (+Def - Res [I think]) Zephiel (Notable Skills: DC) Hardin (+RES -HP) Grima (Neutralish IV) Amelia LA Hector (+HP -Def ) Horse Emblem: Reinhardt +1 (+Atk -Res) B. Lyn +1 (Neutral, bravebow +) Cecilia 4* +10 *(+atk - res , gronnblade +) B. Roy (+ Speed -Res (I think), Fury 3) Gunthra (+Speed forgot - (not attack)) LA Lilina (Forgot IVs) Flyer Team: Myrrh (Neutral, QR 3 B slot) NY Azura (+Atk - Speed) Cordelia (+Atk - Res) H. Nowi (+Atk - Speed , Gronnblade +) S. Corrin (+Atk - Speed ) Dragons: Ninian (+Speed -hp) A.Tiki 5* (+Def - Speed, Fury3 A, QR3 B) Nowi (+Def - HP or Res, Fury 3 A, QR 3B) Myrrh (From above) Infantry: Ryoma (+Atk -hp) Ryoma (+Speed -hp) B. Ike +1 (+Def -Speed, QR3 B) B. Lancina (Cannot remember IV) P. Azura +1 (+Res -HP?) Inigo (+Atk -Res) Arya (-Speed ) Notable Fodder: 1 Brave Ike (Neutral) Some number of hinatas, long qus, soleil, kleins, shannas # #/fishfong # .