Hello, After long efforts, our media company managed to get @Gb users, who were banned on Instagram. but reactivated. Currently, the username is with us and will be sold on an offer basis to those who want to receive it along with the first e-mail (og e-mail). (We have temporarily disabled the account because there are many people who want to buy it and there is a possibility of fraud. The necessary evidence has been added to our Telegram reference group.) Minimum Price: € 800 (Make your offers via Telegram. When the account is sold, we will delete the topic. The account is not sold until we delete it.) Contact Telegram : leak_agency Channel: leak_agency_reference Thanks, # Agency
All references and evidence are available with videos and screenshots on my telegram channel. We give a # to those who say they came through Playerup. Telegram Channel: leak_agency_reference Contact: leak_agency