Selling INSANE -- WoW Account- (3) 80's!!!!! ---DECKED-- \\FOR//// GLOBAL AGENDA

Discussion in 'Global Agenda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/30/15.

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  1. Games

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    Gonna keep this short and sweet, I have a wow acct with 3 80s, 2 of them are extremely geared.

    I am looking for a Global Agenda account, good gear, and the closer (if not there) to max level, the better.

    I prefer Recon above ALL but will consider offers.


    As I said. Its linked to steam. I have way too many games on my steam account. I could give you my global agenda log in if you bought the game. I have a 50 Assault and a 30ish recon. 30 is pretty much the max as thats when you stop getting talent points. Gear is the only issue as you get some of it at higher lvls.

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