IMGUR: This INSANE Account is set up for life... 640 raid passes, 12 100IV LEGENDS (Rayquaza, O-Dialga, O-Palkia, Mewtwo, Groudon, Kyogre, Ho-Oh, Lugia, etc.) CRAZY PvP collection for every league including shadows, MULTIPLE 100IV shadow raid teams (Mamoswine x6, Gardevoir x6, Garchomp x6, etc) - 88M stardust and STACKED MEGAS!! ALL PICTURES BELOW With this account, you will beat all of your friend in PvP, Have all of the most powerful pokemon in the game, never need to puchase raid passes again, and will never need to farm stardust again as there is more than enough to power up any pokemon forever . ACCOUNT INFORMATION: Account type: Pokemon Trainer Club AND Google account included (MAIN Server) Start Date: April 30th, 2023 - Played EVERY DAY Since creation. Medals: 27 Platinum Medals, 7 Event Medals, 18 Gold Medals Level: 47 (WAY more than enough XP for lvl 50 (156+ Million XP)) Team: Mystic (BLUE) - CHANGEABLE (Team Medallion required). Name: CHANGEABLE Stardust: 88.6 MILLION (88,691,651 stardust - *Max out any Pokémon you want*. Pokédex 734 Pokémon registered. 70,611 Pokémon caught. NEAR COMPLETE PvP Collection of top meta Pokémon for each league including Shadow PvP perfect Pokémon (Little, Great, Ultra, and Master Leagues).****************** 12x 100IV LEGENDARY Pokémon**** TOP TIER MASTER LEAGUE TEAMS: Rayquaza 100IV - With 9,000+ Mega Candy Mewtwo 100IV - With 800+ XL Candy *NEW* Origin Dialga 100IV - With Roar of Time *NEW* Origin Palkia 100IV Groundon 100IV - With 9,000+ Mega Candy Kyogre 100IV - With 9,000+ Mega Candy Xerneas 100IV Ho-Oh 100IV Lugia 100IV Articuno 100IV Azelf 100IV Mesprit 100IV Item storage: 5000 item storage with: 640 RAID PASSES******* 2x Masterball 214 Rare Candy XL 235 Rare Candy 104 Lucky Eggs 152 Incenses 229 Fast TMs 232 Charged TMs 6 Elite Fast TMs 3 Elite Charged TMs 33 Starpieces 26 Lure Modules 10+ of each evolution stone and evolution item. 553 Great balls 1539 Ultra balls 307 Golden Razz Berries IMGUR: Please let me know if you have any questions at all! I will reply as soon as I see your inquiries. Thanks!