[Info] The Collective Zombies Weapon ID thread.

Discussion in 'Super Gundam Royale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by woobular, 7/26/17.

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  1. woobular

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    LAST UPDATE: 7/25/17

    Hey guys.

    Figured I would try to round up the information into an easier to access place!
    I'm posting Shadows of Evil today, and working on Kino der Toten and then Origins.

    If you happen to be playing a map that is NOT Shadows, Kino, or Origins.. feel free to experiment with "Give Weapon" and let me know some ID's for the corresponding map.

    Let's go!

    Shadows of Evil
    2 - Vesper
    4 - VMP
    6 - Bootlegger
    7 - Kuda
    9 - Pharo
    11 - Weevil
    13 - Razorback
    15 - Crocuta
    17 - Whispering Regurgitator
    19 - Infernus
    21 - Gullinbursti
    22 - The Impaler
    24 - Barrage
    26 - Ein Sten
    27 - ICR-1
    29 - KN-44
    31 - M8A7
    33 - Sheiva
    35 - HVK-30
    37 - Man-O-War
    39 - Anointed Avenger
    41 - Illuminated Deanimator
    43 - High Velocity Kicker
    47 - The Unspeakable
    49 - Cumulus Struggle
    51 - KRM-262
    52 - Argus
    53 - 205 Brecci
    54 - Haymaker 12
    55 - Shoeshining 100
    56 - Ancient Messenger
    57 - Dagon's Glare
    58 - Stellar Screech
    59 - BRM
    61 - Dingo
    63 - 48 Dredge
    65 - Gorgon
    67 - Dire Wolf
    69 - Trapezohedron Shard
    71 - Blight Oblivion
    73 - Athena's Spear
    75 - Locus
    77 - Drakon
    79 - SVG-100
    81 - Arrhythmic Dirge
    83 - Bahamut
    85 - Ikken Hissatsu
    87 - MR6
    88 - Bloodhound
    89 - RK5
    90 - L-CAR 9
    91 - Death & Taxes
    93 - Rex-Kalibur 115
    94 - Flux Collider 935
    95 - Meat Wagon
    97 - XM-53
    98 - Heliacal Incandescence
    102 - Wunderwaffe DG-2
    103 - Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ
    118 - KN-44
    120 - Anointed Avenger
    135 - Kor-Maroth
    136 - Mar-Astagua
    137 - Nar-Ullaqua
    138 - Lor-Zarozzor
    139 - Kor-Maroth Arbgwaoth
    140 - Mar-Astagua Arbgwaoth
    141 - Nar-Ullaqua Arbgwaoth
    142 - Lor-Zarozzor Arbgwaoth
    146 - Death Machine
    149 - Porter's X2 Ray Gun
    150 - Ray Gun
    158 - "Beast Mode"

    Tested up to 300 - Nothing after

    **If it gave me a glitchy weapon, I didn't list it.
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