[Info] Regarding X99 .dll #

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gerassss, 9/26/17.

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  1. gerassss

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    As you may have seen, all the threads from x99 user have been deleted without any information.

    There is a major problem i would call it but i don't want to make this a very big deal for now, the thing is....

    The .dll file contained a pretty well hidden part of the code (at least for me) which generated an .exe file with the purpose of sending victim personal data to an IP. For now we are not sure what exactly it happens behind the scene but we got some valid informations to let you guys aware about what happened. The port where the data is sent is still open.
    I think (i'm not 100% sure) this happened as soon as you injected the # in your game.

    Some more what i can tell you guys about is, the first and second release from this guy had some kind of internet connections which now were confirmed to be the cause of all however the first time i couldn't see any kind of relations but i was aware, the user was told to remove however instead of removing he just hid it better inside and that was another problem which caused the approval of the latest attachments.
    I wanna thank the guys that reported the problem , they know who they are and i won't mention here.

    I want to apologize for being so delayed with this, i tried my best to gain informations and what happened exactly however it's a pretty tough situation and for approving it obviously, i highly regret i did this and i still feel very guilty but we have to let it pass somehow, we can't stop.

    For now please run a virus scans on your whole pc and delete the # in-case you still have it, just in-case you find a crashhandler.exe in your cs:go directory or a test.exe file please remove it or you may just delete csgo folder and install the game one more time.
    This is very important and i would like every user who download the # to do that.

    That's the only thing i got so far and it will be updated as soon as possible so please keep your eyes here (we are still working on this).

    //Any suggestions / help in comments is welcomed.

    Avoid critics, useless posts and insults, all of them will be infracted straight away, this is not a joke or something to make fun of.
    Thanks for understanding.
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