[Info] PSA: With DragonFable trainers seeming to be working now on Windows 10, use Cola!

Discussion in 'King Of Hunters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 133spider, 11/6/17.

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  1. 133spider

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    Cola, for some reason, is marked outdated when it isn't and never was. The hacks are up-to-date and work well. (I made them after all)

    @poonforce can you remove the outdated tag from that thread?

    Check out Cola here.

    FYI: This is a rather underrated feature in Cola (Cosmetic SWFs):


    Basically, you can load any class, weapon, helmet, etc. in the game using this. All you have to do is grab their swf file from someone's DragonFable character page and paste and load.

    With this you can load the ShadowWalker of Time class once its released. All you have to do is go to someone's character page with that class equipped and grabbed the swf link and load it through this #.
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