[Info] Easy Update ID Lists (Quest IDs Class IDs, House/Merge/Regular Shop IDs)

Discussion in 'King Of Hunters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Eareland, 12/4/17.

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  1. Eareland

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    I already linked these in the main (sticky) ID list topic but as we already know, people don't always bother to read new messages or do research (otherwise there wouldn't be so many people asking help for trainer crashes, etc.)

    I made a new topic (which can later be added to the original ID list topic?) so people can actually see most of the time updated ID lists. Sounds good, right? Not so much work for minions to update ID lists, but if you choose the hard way...you got too much time in your hands.

    The problem with "my" ID lists might be that you have to open every page separately to find IDs of different type ('cause I am too lazy to make HTML page where all these lists are embed) and then that I will not add any special mentions to those lists (like "This quest gives you Defender's Medals", I just update them.

    House (Item) Shop IDs:
    https://fssm.arkku.net/df-datagrab/houses.txt + Item IDs and prices

    Merge Shop IDs:
    https://fssm.arkku.net/df-datagrab/merges.txt + Item IDs

    Shop IDs:
    https://fssm.arkku.net/df-datagrab/shops.txt + Item IDs and prices

    Class IDs:

    Quest IDs:

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