Selling (Indonesia Prefered) Vip13 Rank 1 BladeDancer Legal Acc - HKT

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by joeeyy, 3/28/17.

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  1. joeeyy

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    My Location:
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    Need Money,
    I am selling away my legacy of discord account which is level 84 and vip 13 in HKT server.
    Prefering sell in Indonesia because i dont get it how to transaction outside my country.

    My Account is legal and no cheat so i think this price is fair and not expensive for the one who wanna buy.

    - have a BR of 17 million++ and have a bunch of reforge stone to make it more higher BR which is top 1 in my server.

    -have most pets like lovissa and more except Cyro because its new.

    - almost unlock all wings except for event wings.

    Pm me at line id: ikhsanpasha. or email me at [email protected] For more details and proof

    I am selling it at $1500 which is was 45% cost that i used to this character.
    Sorry if my english is bad and i am thankful if you can share that i want to sell LOD Acc.
    Thank you.
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