Sold in search of white mouse code, the one mine came with was invalid.

Discussion in 'Webkinz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Chemical_Rule_5903, 2/6/25.

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  1. /u/Chemical_Rule_5903

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    i ordered this little guy almost two weeks ago. waited patiently for him to arrive so i could rescue him from mail jail. his listing on ebay was both NWT and sealed, and this isnt the first webkinz i have gotten from ebay. the seller had 100% positive feedback, and upon arrival, the code was intact and attached to lil buddy like normal - blue ribbon tied correctly and the little plastic fasteners still through his leg needed to be cut. go to put his code in, and miss birdy’s dreadful voice cuts off my utter excitement announcing that the code was invalid. my jaw dropped, i desperately tried it a million more times, thinking maybe i typed it in wrong. nope. just scammed i guess. so now i am in need of a white mouse code so that my little Squiggz can come to life

    # #/Chemical_Rule_5903
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