Recently on the website are very few buyers, also because of this , many sellers are more and more lowering prices , thats making the minimum benefit from our business every day. Do you have any ideas, how to solve this problem? P.S Advertising our website possibilities will help or maybe somehow try to stop this mad lowering of prices. Thank You.
The reason for lack of buying is because if you don't know, the video game industry as well as the media market tends to drop off heavily between August-November. Big blockbuster games don't release during this timeframe, big movies don't come out until end of November. It happened last year and it's happening now. That is why we said last month that we typically roll out many new updates between August-November because this is when traffic typically drops. Every industry goes through this. In the NBA, sales are dead until the season starts. For Apple, sales and their stock is dropping now. Every industry has this yearly cycle of droughts. The biggest jump moving forward for us is going to come when we release PlayerUp 2.0 which you'll be able to see in the News and Announcements Section. We will be integrated all social networking platforms with PlayerUp which will increase traffic 2x-3x. You'll be able directly communicate with new people who don't know what PlayerUp is. Additionally, there are just so many other things we have planned moving forward it's overwhelming. Mainly though our focus is going to be marketing which is what our team is best at, marketing your products. We also are intending to heavily improve the quality of the services in general without having to raise costs. As long as we don't have setbacks, we hopefully should have these all released soon enough. There is a reason why we're in BETA because PlayerUp is still an unfinished product. We would prefer however not to release too many details at this time but I can assure you we do have big plans for at least 2-3 more years. Our recommendation for now @Olegzzz is try to new games. Don't depend on 1 game to bring in your profit and sales. Additionally, our VIP Feature would be able to help you in the future. This feature will allow us to help push the sale of your product but you have to be committed to doing it as we aren't going to waste our time marketing a product only for you to backout which is why we will hold onto the account until it sells.
I was actually about to write a long list of things we intend to do @Olegzzz but I will hold off. I will keep these things private for now as I don't want to release all details yet on specific things which are in early stages of development or planning. I could go on and on about everything but it's best I hold off for now. I can discuss PlayerUp 2.0 though which is already being implemented. Additionally, I will let you know we are still working on fixing this server and still need to migrate. Once we migrate to this new server setup we have, the site speed will increase 8x-16x. This is what Lastly, what you really need the most to happen is Supercell releases a big update. Games typically decline slowly unless they release a new update. World of Warcraft is a great example. The game can go from 12 million active subscribers and lose half those in just 6 months. Here is the proof: When you're in business, markets are constantly changing. It's up to you to adapt and change with them.
Do you have any idea of what the game can compete with the clash of clans in popularity now or in the future?
Clash of Clans is superior on mobile devices but isn't the most played game. The most played game currently is League of Legends. Our largest social network is League of Legends which will soon merge with PlayerUp so we will be expected a big jump soon in that game. In fact, it has 3x more people playing it than any other online game. The problem with League of Legends is the market is very saturated. That said, if your intentions is to build accounts, then our best advice is focus on a variety of games and make a few accounts at a time. Other popular games are Minecraft, CSGO, World of Warcraft, DOTA2, World of Tanks, Smite, Hearthstone, FFXIV, and Warframe. However, there are many more. Maybe you should approach the situation differently. Instead of looking for popular games, look for games with good markets that aren't saturated. Then you have very little if any competition and can be #1 in that market. I know that alot of people do it this way. A typical example is a game like Ingress. You've never heard of it but it has a good market and there are a few people who claim to be generated alot of sales from the game because they have no competition.