Selling I'm selling my very high end Global Brave...

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Raphie Frontier, 11/15/14.

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  1. Raphie Frontier

    Raphie Frontier
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    I'm selling my very high end Global Brave Frontier Account for 100-150$ US/SG iTunes card and 200$ if via Western Union. Kindly send me a message on [email protected] for pics and proofs. Payment methods: iTunes card = 150$ US/SG iTunes card # Western Union no paypal for i have no paypal. Lvl. 151 Arena Rank: Apollo(390k ABP) HR: 15 UNIT SPACE: 500/500 ITEM SPACE: 220/220 ZEL: 12m+ KARMA: 3m+ MAX SPHERE LVL. Spheres: Legwand x3 Evil Shard x5 Sol creators Dandelga Drevas Batootha Lexida Providence Ring Omni Gizmo x3 Medulla x6 Sacred Jewel x8 Refined Gem x6 Divine Stone x4 Amanohabaken x3 And a lot more!! Honor Points: (420+ honor summons) MOSTLY ANIMA TYPES! 6* Unit Lists(SBB UNLOCKED, MOST SBB10) Dual sphered: Maxwell(Lord), Zelnite(Anima), Oulu(Anima), Darvanshel(Breaker) 6* Maxwell(Lord) 6* Elza(Lord) 6* Lily Matah(Lord) 6* Darvanshel(Breaker) 6* Altri(Breaker) but have 3*Anima 6* Rashill(Guardian) 6* Elimo(Anima) 6* Oulu(Anima) 6* Arius(Anima) 6* Zelnite(Anima) 6* Luther(Anima) 6* Michelle(Anima) 6* Dilma(Anima) 6* Zephyr(Anima) 6* Dia(Anima) 6* Ramna(Anima) 6* Homusubi(Anima) 6* Farlon(Anima) 6* Ronel(Anima) 6* Grybe(Anima) 6* Logan(Anima) 6* Lunaris(Anima) 6* Alyut(Anima) 6* Aem(Anima) 6* Lilith(Anima) 6* Lira(Anima) 6* Alice(Anima) 6* Melchio(Lord) 6* Luly(Lord) 6* Raydn(Breaker) 6* Signas(Guardian) 6* Duel SGX(Breaker) 6* Lodin(Breaker) 6* Ophelia(Breaker) 6* Douglas(Lord) 6* Kikuri(Lord) 6* Mega(Breaker) 6* Amy(Breaker) 6* Sefia(Breaker) 6* Loch(Breaker) And a lot MORE 6* and 5* and 4* units! send me an email for more details. [email protected]
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