Selling I'm selling my hearthstone account. Europe...

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Karoliofke IDii, 10/20/16.

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  1. Karoliofke IDii

    Karoliofke IDii
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    I'm selling my hearthstone account. Europe server. I have all the adventures, golden mage hero. Legendarys: Fandral staghelm Archmage antonidas Ragnaros lightlord Tirion fordring Xaril The mistcaller Malkorok Shifter zerus Sir finley mrrgglton Brann brinzebeard Rafaam Moroes Barnes Elise starseeker Nexus-champion saraad Prince malchezaar Emperor thaurisan Reno jackson Sylvanas windrunner Chillmaw Rend blackhand The curator Chromaggus Grull Medivh Ragnaros the firelord Majardomo executus Malygos Nefarian Deathwing Deathwing dragonlord Yogg-saron And many epics and rare's. you can build any deck you want. For more info pm me!
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