Selling Im selling my Gold IV lvl 30 league of legends...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/6/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    Im selling my Gold IV lvl 30 league of legends account. Ive been done with the game, just logging on here and there playing ARAM's. I have every champion to date with 2233ip and just over 100rp. This account has 66 skins ranging from 450rp-legendary skins. I have 13 Rune pages,with almost every rune needed to play at any lvl skilled or beginner its a U.S. account If interested contact me via text 909-518-0589 * - skins that are worth something/rare Dynasty Ahri Unchained Alistar Infernal Alistar* Pharaoh Amumu Freljord Ashe iBlitzcrank* Officer Caitlyn Nightmare Cho Gath Jurassic Cho Gath Lord Darius Mr. Mundoverse Executioner Mundo Soul Reaver Draven Nottingham Ezreal Frosted Ezreal Spectral Fiddlesticks Enchanted Galio Sanguine Garren Hired Gun Graves RIOT GRAVES*(still have card with code) Nightblade Irelia Warring Kingdom J4* Temple Jax Nemisis Jax* Judgement Kayle Traditional Lee Sin Iron Solari Leona Bittersweet Lulu Dragon Trainer Lulu Sorceress Lux Marble Maphite Glacial Malphite* Festive Maokai*(not available anymore) Haunted Maokai*(not available anymore) Exiled Morgana Blackthorn Morgana* Koi Nami Subterranean Nautilus AstroNautilus Ravager Nocturne Sasquatch Nunu Sewn Chaos Orianna Galactic Renekton Headhunter Rengar Battle Bunny Riven* Royal Shaco Warlord Shen Darkflame Shyvanna Hextech Singed Lumberjack Sion Warrior Princess Sivir Earthrune Skarner Sandscourge Skarner ARCADE SONA**(have card with code) Dryad Soraka Justicar Syndra Bloodstone Taric Recon Teemo Buccaneer Tristanna FIREFIGHTER TRISTTANA(legendary not available)** Sultan Tryndamere DEMONBLADE TRYNDAMERE(legndary)** Primal Udyr Dragon Slayer Vayne Prototype Victor Full Metal Victor Tundra Hunter Warwick Skins alone is worth over $500
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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