Selling im selling my account, the main char is a hunter...

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (US)' started by Alice Inwonderland, 10/11/09.

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  1. Alice Inwonderland

    Alice Inwonderland
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    im selling my account, the main char is a hunter lvl 80, horde, very well geared, spare PVP gear, fully gemed, enchanted and all glyps... both professions 450, miner and JC, +400 first aid, cooking and fishing, 55mounts including achievement for 50mounts and albino drake...about 40companions, 10 extra slots at bank, dual aspect, title Champion of the frozen wastes... and more.... i got 3 alts, a warlock 68, DK 63, and allie hunter 56.... send me a msg if u are interested. ty
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