I'm selling my acc I have characters on NC, Vs and Tr

Discussion in 'Planetside 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rodrix, 12/16/18.

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  1. Rodrix

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    Hi I'm selling my acc cuz I need some money, :( i really love my acc but family is first
    I have played this game since 2015.
    I'm not going to give name just to the guy who want help me and buy it
    I work with PayPal only
    If u are interesting want ask something send me message on kik is: roysgtz or my Instagram. is rodri_sgtz

    My accounts has :
    NC Character:
    - I have a helmet
    - I have skins
    - implants
    - guns
    - voice pack the expensive one
    - banner
    - river skins

    VS character :
    I have played sm time on this this is my favorite character I reset the level cuz I love farm I'm from the connery KOJ outfit

    Have more that 1k+ directive points

    - armors
    - 2 voice packs that I love
    - sm guns
    - sm skills
    - skins
    - helmets
    - implants
    - certs
    - I almost had all the aurax
    - vehicles skins

    Tr character has
    - skins
    - guns
    - voice pack
    - implants
    - helmet
    - I love my mosquito skin lol is really nice

    I want to sell it to.help my family , I have spent on this game more than +400 uds but I think easy is worth on 300, people know me sm on the game mostly op guys, my kd is not the best cuz I dont care If i get killed , Fun is most important for my.

    If u want help me ty I really appreciate it :)
    #1 Rodrix, 12/16/18
    Last edited: 12/16/18
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