Im looking for RE7, GTA 5, Overwatch or GearsOW 4

Discussion in 'Xbox Live Accounts For Sale - Buy Sell XBOX Account' started by KingPixel2k, 1/31/17.

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  1. KingPixel2k

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    Looking for GTA, Resident evil 7, Overwatch or Gears of war 4
    In exchange for an xbox live account with 99+ games...
    I can provide: Proofs: Games & Apps Picture
    Recent Purchases of the Acc

    Q: Who goes first?
    A: We can talk about that... but mostly me.

    Q: Does it has DLCs
    A: Yeah, as far as I can remember I bought few dlcs for BO3 and other games

    Q: Does it has Personalizations Packs for some games?
    A: Yes it does...

    Q: Is this Legit?
    A: I have no reason to scam.

    Q: When are you available?
    A: Monday to Friday: 4:00pm-5:50pm
    Weekends: 9:00am-5:50pm
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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