Ijji coin and avatar

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I sell an account wicth 20ijji coin and 40k of gold and other account wicth avatar!

    ExBaghdadUnlimitedBuy(Gold)glassBattle Goggle SUnlimitedBuy(Gold)headSuntan AUnlimitedBuy(Gold)bodyKorean Dress AUnlimitedBuy(Gold)

    3$ per account on paypal

    u nub, anyone can just make and account and get the free 20 coins and play for a bit and get 40k gold

    Wow man,

    You just have to tell its expensive not to tell im a noob! Respec is important in life!

    New price: 4$ for the 2account! I really need it for buy cash in mapple story!

    You just have to tell its expensive not to tell im a noob! Respec is important in life!

    freetranslation.com.. and he doesnt need to tell us that its not expensive because we can get the same accounts in only 5 minutes. and respect? he doesnt even know you so yeah..

    New price: 4$ for the 2account! I really need it for buy cash in mapple story!

    okay the most i'd buy your account for would be 50 cents or below. and i guess dead4life was right in calling you a noob because you need to buy your accounts. and next time use the edit button

    Originally Posted by Brain

    Wow man,

    You just have to tell its expensive not to tell im a noob! Respec is important in life!

    haha why would you sell an account like that? lol like the other dude said it would take 5 mins or so to make one of those. I couldnt even sell mine with the angel of death body and a flag worth 20k:'(

    I thought you could only get 20 ijji coins and 20K in gold from transferring accounts from GBWC to GB Revolution...

    Okay, it's true that you don't know him, but that doesn't mean you should just go and call him "noob". You see what's one thing wrong with society? People don't feel the need to respect each other.

    because there is no need for respect among people trying to rip you off
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