XD requirements to get this lion: play on iOS, be a tank, have the 100% trap, be lucky to find it first.. XD LOL
Hmm I spend 3 30% traps on a green deer and I haven't got it.I give it up,I have zero trapable mounts on 5 chars lmao
LOL rly? I still miss red ARMOURED chincilla on my mage and then I'm done.. 4 dogs and 4 cincillas. On my heal i have 2 bears (runes) and one black cincilla, still miss the yellow one, the red one and the Grey one plus i have The red armoured deer so I need the purple deer and epic deer (better) or white deer. I am a collector LOL!
_Morgana_ (70, mendel mage) _Tanna_ (69, mendel monk) actually levelling _Tanna_ (1 mooooreeeee yaaaay) but also _Antea_ (22, mendel war dps) and started _Rodwen_ (10, mendel ranger.. I think archer for exping then assa :3 )
Hell yeah what a nice lion . Btw are u playing on observersmarket- europe ios??? Cause i think i seen that guild in-solidus before