I wish to sell my Star Trek Online account because I made up my mind to stop playing this game and video games in general. My account includes two characters: 1) Fedor Yatsen, a lvl 55 federation science officer. Ship: Tholian Orb Weaver (T5-U) (68$ minimum price on internet) Additional Ship: Kobali Samsar Cruiser (T6). This character is allowed to buy fleet items from a large fleet store of “AF Alliance”. All the items, reputation and other stuff you can see on the screenshots. 2) Viner’Eg Ular, a lvl 53 romulan tactical officer. Ship: Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird. (I have all 3 scimitars unlocked = 50$ for the whole bundle) Additional Ship: Kobali Samsar Cruiser. This guy has a great amount of Fleet Credits that you can spend on fleet items from a provisioned fleet store. Again, amount of EC, reputations and other stuff you can see on the screenshots. I ask 75$ for the whole account. Bargaining is pertinent. This is a good price, for the Tholian Orb Weaver itself costs 68$ on Internet, and the Scimitar bundle will take 50$ from. The total price just for the ships gonna be 118$. And that’s only ships. I don’t even mention another things, like lvls, fleet credits, EC, reputations etc. I accept only payment via credit cards. PayPal and other services, are, unfortunately, unavailable in my country. If you want to buy my account - we can even do it in real time via Skype. You send money to my credit card and I give you full account information. Got any questions? Send me a mail.