I want to sell my warframe account

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/12/14.

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  1. Games

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    for first im sorry , my english isnt the best im from germany...

    i sell it because i dont have much time to play in the future....

    I have a rank 11(almost 12) account, now a list of the most important things...

    Credits: 230.000

    Platinum : 870

    Play time: 225 hours

    Galaxy : 195 of 239 completed

    I have bought all weapon slots and all out of 3 warframe slots

    my warframes:

    Warframes with installed orocin reactor:

    Nova Level 30 (1 forma)

    The new Hydroid level 30

    rhino level 30

    Vauban level 30 volt level 30

    valkyr level 30

    warframes without reactor:

    Ember Prime level 30

    Frost Prime level 30

    excalibur level 18

    Ash unranked

    zephyr unranked

    I already had nyx/nekros/saryn/mag/ember and oberon on level 30 but i have sold them...just leveled them for mastery rank and sold them because i didnt like them....

    My Weapons:

    Weapons with installed orocin catalyst:

    Boltor Prime level 30 (4 formas in it)

    Soma level 30 (1 forma)

    Dex furis level 30

    Gorgon Wraith level 30

    Castanas level 30

    weapons without catalyst:

    akbronco prime level 30

    boar prime level 30

    dual heat swords level 27

    karak level 23

    paris level 30

    paris prime level 9

    penta level 30

    reaper prime level 7

    sicarus prime level 17

    and i have leveld many other weapons and then sold them.... all weapons that havent been on level 30 yet are in my foundry.. i bought all blueprints of all weapons i didnt had on level 30

    in my foundry there are 12 weapons ready to claim and to level then... and many other blueprints are ready to build.

    Mag Prime and Rhino prime are also ready to build.

    Sentinels :

    all level 30:

    Carrier (reactor already installed)





    and the 5 weapons are already on 30

    i also have some skins and helmets for the warframes/sentinels and weapons

    i have many extractors and gear blueprints

    i have many void and orokin keys....

    and i have every blueprint of all the prime warframes and weapons. nearly all prime weapons are ready to build


    i have 408 mods,nearly all the important mods ...

    good mods like continuity,flow,vigor,enemy sense,streamline, and many more are already on max level...

    other good mods:

    redirection lvl 8

    vitality lvl 6

    split chamber max level

    serration level 8

    tetra doom event mods all max

    i have many of the corrupted and nightmare mods, nearly all important aura mods...

    all in all , i have the best mods you need for your warframes , weapons and sentinels..

    i dont know if i have forgotten some important information.....

    if you want to know something just ask me or add me in steam , name: kollegah6077

    please offer some prices to me , i accept paypal.

    thanks for reading

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