I want to sell my C9 EU account, here are the details: Reapress Lvl 63 with only perfect weapon, 1 lvl 57 bardiel gloves, 2 sarad blue fissure books with green reaping book, complete Black Treasure Set, Lively Winter set, White Crusader set, Black Walchian set, Full moon karas set, Skill reset scroll, dark santa auspice, 150 mil gold. Blademaster Lvl 51 just a farmer with crappy gear. Rest of the 10 character slots have alts with A,B,C,D materials of 4/5 artisan except woodworking, Sarad rare ingredients, Rare maps of 4th and 5th continent, 4/5 Artisan except woodworking leveled to lvl 57. Let me know what u think this account is worth for.