I want to sell my Asmo account on NA Kahrun server. There are 4 PCs lvl65 character, 1 PC lvl40, 1 PC lvl30. SM (lvl65) & Ranger (lvl65) without gear Chanter (lvl65, full support) has 2 set; first set is full HP, second set is full damage Main character: Cleric; full archon commander set (enchantment level: +12, but Hauberk +10) The weapon: full enchanted Remodelled Staff with fire damage GodStone Magic boost: 3452; Magic acc.: 2048; either stigma biild is full and have essence and gathering + alchemy 300000 kinah Cleric is Asmodian Army 5 Star -> can transform; and need little AP to become General sm and cleric have maunt Chanter has mansion SM has house Cleric has estate If interest in this then write email ... http://graph.Facebook..com/565774306843243/picture