Sold I want to sale my Shutterstock Designer Store | 1200+ coloring pages valued over 15000 USD

Discussion in 'Shutterstock Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SalinaAkter2010, 10/11/21.

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  1. SalinaAkter2010

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    I want to sell my Shutterstock Designer Stores. I have made all my coloring pages in the last 1 year and I was selling them on Fiverr. I was not selling them anywhere else to maintain my coloring page's unique value. But recently, for my health emergency purpose, I am selling all my accounts and designing stores and designs. I have uploaded my 1200+ coloring pages in Shutterstock. All 1200+ coloring pages are valued at over 15000 USD, but for emergency purposes, I am selling Shutterstock designer store at 700 USD. At present time everyone knows how valuable a Shutterstock designer store, how much profitable it is. My Shutterstock Designer Stores and its coloring pages products help you to earn a minimum of over 6000 USD per year and 500-600 USD per month. I will help my best to hand over my account to the buyer perfectly. The buyer doesn't have to do any work on this store, these high-volume coloring pages are able to give you a non-stop earning of a minimum of 7-8 years.

    Important Note: Buyer allowed to create stores and sell those 1200+ coloring pages on bigstock and dreamstime stock sites. Any other stock sites are completely forbidden.
    #1 SalinaAkter2010, 10/11/21
    Last edited: 10/12/21
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