Sold I want to sale my Creative Fabrica Designer Store | 448 followers | High Sales 133 Live Products

Discussion in 'Shutterstock Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SalinaAkter2010, 9/24/21.

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  1. SalinaAkter2010

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    I want to sell my Creative Fabrica Designer Store. I have 446 followers right now, every day 5-10 followers join my store. I have earned 834 USD in the last 3 months. I have 133 highly attractive products in my store, which are regularly got sales. The art materials value is over 10000 USD. All I have made by myself. My Creative Fabrica designer store and its products help you to earn a minimum of over 5000 USD per year and 10-30 USD daily. I selling it for my health emergency purpose. I am in the middle of life and death, otherwise is no way to sell it. I need anyhow 10000 USD before 5th October for my treatment. That's why I am selling my hardly made designer profession. I am selling my Amazon KDP account and Fiverr accounts too. All my accounts will help you to earn good money per month without doing any work. Because I made them like this by spending a lot of time and hard work.
    Presently my account has 66 USD. The buyer will get it with the account. I did not withdraw it, because after-sale to the buyer I want to set up withdrawal completely, for that need available balance. I will help my best to hand over my account to the buyer perfectly.
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