Sold I want to sale my Adobe Stock Designer Store | 2200 coloring pages valued over 25000 USD

Discussion in 'Shutterstock Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SalinaAkter2010, 10/7/21.

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  1. SalinaAkter2010

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    I want to sell my Adobe Stock Designer Store. I have made 2200 coloring pages in the last 1 year and I was selling them on Fiverr. I was not selling them anywhere else to maintain my coloring page's unique value. But recently, for my health emergency purpose, I am selling all my accounts and designing stores and designs. I have uploaded my 2200 coloring pages to the Adobe Stock designer store. All 2200 coloring pages are valued at over 25000 USD, but for emergency purposes, I am selling this store at 1950 USD. At present time everyone knows how valuable an Adobe Stock designer store, how much profitable it is. My Adobe Stock Designer Store and its 2200 coloring pages products help you to earn a minimum of over 10000 USD per year and 800-1000 USD per month. I will help my best to hand over my account to the buyer perfectly. The buyer doesn't have to do any work on this store, these high-volume coloring pages are able to give you a non-stop earning of a minimum of 7-8 years. The buyer will get full sole ownership for the 2200 coloring pages.

    Important Note: Buyer allowed to create stores and sell those 2200 coloring pages on creative fabrica, istock, 123rf, fotolia, bigstock, dreamstime and depositphotos stock sites. Those stores are able to boost your monthly income to over 2500 USD.
    #1 SalinaAkter2010, 10/7/21
    Last edited: 10/13/21
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