Sold I sell the remaining events for $110 + fee

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/fleepter, 3/13/17.

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  1. /u/fleepter

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    My Reference/FlairHQ

    Hi there

    Sadly I decided to stop collecting events, because I will be very busy in the coming months,and frankly I do not really feel like to exchange events.

    this is my Porybox is all for sale , im interested only in paypal offers!

    also have :

    • ENG Korean League Shiny Eevee good natute edimess [ruliweb] > endy1102 > me Video and Attendance proof

    • You can find the source , type of proof and price in "upload info" on my porybox

    that's all if you have any questions just ask, thanks to all the people I've met in these two years I enjoyed exchanging with you n_n

    im selling all event in my porybox and the eevee listen above for $110+fee
    # #/fleepter
    # .
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