Selling I sell my Battlenet Account with Diablo 3 and...

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Giovanni Criscione, 3/11/17.

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  1. Giovanni Criscione

    Giovanni Criscione
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    I sell my Battlenet Account with Diablo 3 and Hearthstone. In Hearthstone I have all playable rare and epic cards, you can play all decks (standard and wild). I have all adventures, legendary cardback, more than 1000 gold and dust. This is the list of my legendary card: Fandral Staghelm Cenarius Dreadscale King Krush Archmage Antonidas Eadric the Pure Ragnaros, Lightlord Tirion Fordring Vol’jin Edwin VanCleef Xaril, Poisoned Mind Hallazael the Ascended Neptulon Al’Akir the Windlord Lord Jaraxxus Mal’Ganis Malkorok Grommash Hellscream Varia Wrynn Patches the Pirate Sir Finley Mrrgglton Bloodmage Thalnos Brann Bronzebeard Eydus Darkbane King Mukla Moroes Tinkmaster Overspark Barnes Elise Starseeker Gormok the Impaler Kazakus Old Murk-Eye Captain Greenskin Feugen Harrison Jones Leeroy Jenkins Loatheb Nexus-Champion Saraad Prince Malchezaar Stalagg Aya Blackpaw Cairne Bloodhoof Emperor Thaurissan Gelbin Mekkatorque (GOLD) Justicar Trueheart Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale Reno Jackson Sylvanas Windrunner The Black Knight Toshley Baron Geddon Chillmaw Don Han’Cho Dr.Boom Rend Blackhand Skycap’n Kragg The Curator Troggzor the Earthinator Twin Emperor Vek’lor Chromaggus Kel’Thuzad Medivh, the Guardian Ragnaros the Firelord Alexstrasza Acrh-Thief Rafaam Icehowl Majordomo Executus Malygos Nefarian Onyxia Ysera C’Thun Deathwing Deathwing, Dragonlord N’Zoth, the Corruptor Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End For any question, please contact me.
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