Selling i sell my account need money.i paid more than 1000...

Discussion in 'Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Emrah Şafak, 8/23/15.

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  1. Emrah Şafak

    Emrah Şafak
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    i sell my account need money.i paid more than 1000 $ for to be best i just want 350 $ for this guild is Sovereign continent rate is 9th Trophies 3000 best account with this LVL !!!!!!!!! town hall LvL 15 Landslide lvl 125 skill 10LvL merc 30 LvL [Cancer] Full talent Artict lord LvL 150 with more glory skill 12 merc 30 LvL [Leo] Full talent Pangoli LvL155 with more glory Skill 14 LvL merc 32 LvL [Gemini] Full talent Pounder LvL 145 with more glory Skill 10LvL merc 28 LvL [Gemini] Full talent Chiron LvL 140 with more glory Skill 16 LvL merc 35 LvL [Leo] Full talent Sapphirix Lvl 150 with more glory Skill 16 LvL merc 35 LvL [Virgo] Full talent Hydrasaur Lvl 132 with more glory Skill 8 LvL merc 23 LvL [Gemini] Full talent Renee Ven LvL 120 Skill 8 LvL merc 15 LvL [Aries] Great Sage Lvl 70 Skill 8 LvL merc 15 LvL [Aries] Abyss Demon Lvl 120 with more glory Skill 8 merc 15 LvL Skull Mage LvL 100 with more glory Skill 6 merc 10 LvL Carol dBelle LvL 100 with more glory Skill 6 merc 10 LvL BlockHead LvL 100 with more glory Skill 2 merc 15 LvL Dark Rider LvL 100 FULL glory Skill 6 merc 10 LvL Air Elite LvL 80 with FULL glory Skill 6 merc 10 LvL Savag Chief vL 80 with FULL glory Skill 6 merc 10 LvL Extras....10000 JEWELS its only cost 50$ 1 Great sage non used lvl 1 1 Abyss Demon 1 sapphirix 1 pan goli 2 hydrasaur and more hero pieces i cant send photos if contact me
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