91 уровней 15 VIP-сервер 14 104850/150000 65 символов 91 уровней Полностью перекачиваемой способностей 55 символов оранжевый полностью 500,000,000 золота символов +1 и +2 оранжевый Общая мощность всех героев 525000 Звезды героев 305 11 символов Легендарный [email protected] Почта
91 levels. 15th server. VIP 14 104850/150000. 65 characters of 91 levels. Completely pumped over abilities. 55 characters orange completely. 500,000,000 gold. There are characters +1 and +2 orange. General power of all heroes 525,000. Stars of heroes 305. 11 characters the legendary. [email protected] mail.
I sell. The VIP - 14 (104850/150000). Server-15. 92nd level. Arena 1-15. Grand arena 1-15. Gold 500,000,000. 65 heroes, all 92 levels. 55 heroes who are completely dressed. 11 legendary heroes. Power of all heroes 530,000. Stars of heroes 307. To write on post [email protected]