Dont Know If This Is A Legitimate Question, But The Title Says All Since I Couldnt Really Find A Thread That Gave Some Guidance On Where To Start On Making Creating Or Building Hacks Myself Im Tired Of Just Downloading Guess Im More So Jealous I Cant Do Whats Done So Anyone Have A Good Place To Start.?. start learning c++ or at least to playerup and using other people dlls lol There is no sole guide for learning how to properly " #" an MMO, or any game in that manner. Simply learn how to read and modify memory correctly and play around with tools such as Cheat Engine and Ollydbg until you become familiar with them. From there it's all about how you tackle a game, RF is fairly simple so it shouldn't be to hard regardless of what angle you take you're prospective actions from. Also keep in mind a programming language like C/C++ and Delphi/Lazarus don't honestly need to be known to create a " # ", they're simply used to create trainers that can more difficultly be reversed then CE trainers and feature more advanced features.