How to Report a Dispute Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated. 1. Date Dispute Happened August, 23rd, 2018 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller I'm the Buyer 3. Total Transaction Value $23.69 USD 4. Other Parties Username hkshopgems is is username 5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment PayPal 6. My Payment Email [email protected] 7. My Main Email [email protected] 9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below
1st one is proof I paid! 2nd one is proof he hasn’t been active, and stole my money! And that he has a warning on his profile after I bought.
@HK Shop Gems Dispute against you. His last log-in was from March... so I don't know what's going on here. Just cancel your order.
Please post of your proof if he was scammed you. PS, I wonder you joined yesterday, and bought from him ? At least 48 hours need for verfiy, What's your Transaction ID, I can make a pm like that you gaved in up. @Ryan, @Middleman I think he lying. Edit, I attended your proof, If he completed something, he would receive a feedbacks from the middleman, but has nothing. it's # give auto. I am now pretty sure, his lying and want get scamming playerup. @Ryan , @Middleman take a look please.
What would I lie about? I have nothing to lie about.... I joined the other day because I saw a YouTube video, and I bought from this guy because he was cheap, but now I got scammed! He hasn’t messaged me!
Go to your conversation change order status to buyer cancell order. I don't think here it's any problem @Ryan
Basically this. The buyer hasn't been here since March. Make sure to check the last log-in when you're buying something.
I clicked buyer cancel I’m just waiting for an agent to cancel it for me since the seller won’t cancel it since he’s gone.
@HK Shop Gems we closed his account. Wasting everyones time and is clearly trying to attempt to scam.