Selling  Europe  60+  High End Character(s) I m selling my account 684 GS for cheap

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rafael Moreno, 6/30/23.

  1. Rafael Moreno

    Rafael Moreno
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    My Location:
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    I'm selling my account of BDO as I don't play as nearly as much the game anymore and at the moment I need the cash as fast as possible, if you can message me in the next 48 hours of this post to get this transaction done ASAP, I can lower for you to $500 as long as we get it finish it, if you have any questions about the account please let me know.

    You got some pics of the account below if you need anything else please reach out to me Via here or discord TheAngelHacks#0465

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