I heard that there are # for rumble fighter, is it private?

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    I see people botting in rumble fighter, and there is many of them, but are they private? or are they released? can you give me the name of the # please

    most of them are private unfortunately and some ppl who made a # want money out of it psh plz....if i knew how to make a # i would give it out to the public but sadly i dont...

    but i don't know why you can't just # the game with cheatengine, it has no gameguard or Xtrap. so shouldn't it be easy to #?

    only thing u can do is change ur speed hp and i think 1hit kills

    but aren't those like server sided? and doesn't work? btw even it works, I think you would get a/b very fast

    Originally Posted by DabestForum

    most of them are private unfortunately and some ppl who made a # want money out of it psh plz....if i knew how to make a # i would give it out to the public but sadly i dont...

    you dont need to know how start of with rumble fighter d/c # then tell it where to go but the hard part is that you gotta know where it will spawn or else it will die :l

    yea thats true so a # would be pointless then.....

    after the big patch for asteral or w.e his name is made it impossible for me to do my hp lock so i'm pretty pissed about that also -_-

    how can't u do hp lock? u should be able to, and how can i find my hp value

    depends of ur class and ur hp I counted mine start from that get hit by ur friend on a 1 on 1 then lock it but it doesn't work anymore
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