I have the following for trade or sale. Scrap Meat Zombie - A+ - lvl 48 Mirror of Shadows - A+ - lvl 22 Child of Pit - A+ - lvl 17 Lightning Core - A - lvl 14 Unholy Vice Demon - A - lvl 17 Child of Pit - A Hell Ice Dragon - A 3x Druj Nasu - A Fex the Severer - A Beheaded Lunatic - A Time Void Golem - A Forsaken Birth Fiend - A Parasitic Centipede - A Ancient Huge Statue - A 2x Lindwurm - A Deep Dark Demon - A Dream breaker priest - A 2x Metal Shell Seeker - A Blade Giant - A Shock Tarasque - A 2x Aya Dragon - A Terra Ogame - A Shock Tarasque - A Flesh Triffid - A Sprout Dragon - A Horned Veteran - A Hydra - A Refined Horned Fighter - A 2x Seeker Quadriga - A Evilmoth - A 2x Fafnir - A Naga - A Jade Rhinoceros Beetle - A Slaughter Bee Queen - A Blood blob - A Elf Commander - A Sturdy White Wing - A Charon - B+ Elder Tree Leshy - B Fire Giant - B I'm looking for Magic Light Dragon, Nether World Dragon, Plague Dragon, Fire & Ice Dragon & Rampage Gargoyle. Need A+ for all except Magic, which can be an A. I'm also looking for: Unholy Vice Demon, Lightning Core.
Make me an Offer. I don't have fex anymore, I did some evolving and trading. I'll post my new list in a minute when I get done with it.
I have the sturdy white wing, terra ogama still, As well as the aya but its A+ now cause I evolved it, lindwurm are evolved as well, and I still have hell ice, mirror, vex and scrap are gone. Make me an offer Derek.