Selling I have all of the champions on this account up to...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Joey Molinelli, 7/12/13.

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  1. Joey Molinelli

    Joey Molinelli
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    I have all of the champions on this account up to the release date of aatrox. I currently have 9k IP waiting for the new champ Lucian to come out. 7 Rune pages with support runes, AP runes, jungle, ADC, and even ryze runes. :P I am currently platinum 3 on this account with a pretty good mmr. I usually play with some diamond people on my team and gain good points per win. So if you are looking to get to diamond this is the account for you. Here is a List of all the Skins I have for my account! - Foxfire Ahri - Unchained Alistar - Pharaoh Amumu - Bird Of Prey Anivia - Panda Annie - Amethyst Ashe - Iblizcrank - Vandal Brand - Resistance Caitlyn - Sheriff Caitlyn - Nightmare Chogath - Urfrider Corki - Dragonwing Corki - Dark Valkyrie Diana - Toxic Dr. Mundo - Soul Reaver Draven - Nottingham Ezreal - ***Pulsefire Ezreal*** - Frosted Ezreal - Dark Candy Fiddlesticks - Steel Legion Garen - Hillbilly Gragas - Jailbreak Graves - Frost Queen Janna - Warrior Kingdoms Jarvan IV - Vandal Jax - Full Metal Jayce - Debonair Jayce - Traditional Karma - Slay Belle Katarina - Mecha Kha'zix - Sonoran Kogmaw - Prestigious LeBlanc - Bloodstone Lissandra - Wicked Lulu - Steel Legion Lux - Coral Reef Malphite - Vizier Malzahar - Waterloo Miss Fortune - Mafia Miss Fortune - Ghost Bride Morgana - Leopard Nidalee - Headhunter Nidalee - Sasquatch Nunu - Gothic Orianna - Phoenix Quinn - Crimson Elite Riven - Uncle Ryze - Ice Drake Shyvana - Warmonger Sion - Spectacular Sivir - Arcade Sona - Northern Front Swain - Emerald Taric - Badger Teemo - Riot Girl Tristana - Rocket Girl Tristana - Traditional Trundle - Musketeer Twisted Fate - Kingpin Twitch - Gangster Twitch - Blight Crystal Varus - Arclight Varus - Heartseeker Vayne - Bad Santa Veigar - Runeguard Volibear - Battlecast Xerath - Pool Party Ziggs - Wildfire Zyra You Can Contact Me Through my email which is: [email protected] or even through facebook. messages for more information about the price. :)
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  2. OP
    Γιάννης Ιντζέλης

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