i have 112 dolar 35 cent. Need full donator or ijji acc +60 with full prem . pm me (Never GO First or use MM ) Sorry for little english Messenger = ^^ i have good ijji acc with much prems. Just saying be carefull, only has 4 posts. Also be weary as people can just google Paypal Balance pictures OR can even easily photoshop them. If MM is needed can use me or Dman easily. uh i got lots of good acc's Spgamer add me . . u jsut said u dont wanna buy Paypal ss is edited with javascript. Edit: To explain further, Look closely at the USD. There is no way in hell that there should be a comma? You are stupid if you accidentally put a comma instead of a period. Links are blue. Blue link. Non-edited paypal would not have blue links on the top. Also, look at address bar. paypal/tr is impossible to show because you will get redirected. Nice try tho. Scammer. He's 100% going to make you go first and ditch when you want to use a mm. I suggest you make him teamviewer his paypal before trade, IF he's even got a paypal. Actually, not even a Javascript. He probably edited the source code. Lol Check out my before and after images. Remember to always check the URL's in the SS's. BEFORE AFTER