Selling I guess its like 12 dollars or something :P...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 3/3/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    I guess its like 12 dollars or something :P tebrev@(add my msn!) I dont check this site." "Marauder RR98 ""First off I'm looking to buy a cheap WH/WE or BW/sorc account RR50-80 to have som fun with." Selling: Marauder RR98 - Karak Norn 5/5 Offensive & Defensive DF 4x RR90 weapons 2x Vessel weapons with 10% Crit/parry. Crit talis in bank All pockets items 5/5 Glyphs and all the old PVE-gear Zealot RR86 - Karak Norn Full heal/off sovereign DF gear ready in the bank 2x Vessel weapons with 2x 10% crit All pockets items & shrouds. Got the 3 best heal glyphs Magus RR75 - Karak Norn Full worn sov 3 glyphs Melee pocket & anti-defense pocket All the chars got loads of old school stuff in the bank. Around 2 k gold on the account. Sub to 2011-07-27." "SALE/TRADE r40 Order guild Karak Norn ""I would like to sell a guild on Karak Norn which I have no use for now." As stated it's r40 guild with all possible bonuses and unlocks with tons of RR in the history. It's created after beta - one of the oldest on the server. 5k gold. Full vault with pots Name of the guild will be disclosed to serious buyers only. But I must say it's a very renown one. Will also trade for a r40 destro guild on Gorfang or any server with possible guild transfer. B/O - 80 USD Will consider any reasonable options." "WTS RR 92+ Marauder ""Full Doomflayer" Both rr90 SC Weapons Stock of potions 250+ Gold Spec uses decayble jewelry PM Me for details. Thank you!" "WTT or WTS 2acc 81+ Zealot KA; 92,5+ Magus KN ""1. rr81 zealot on KA with 7/8 h sov [no back but 1xx royals ] 200talisman making ~400gold 2vl glyphs; on conq crests some 2x alts on KN 2aegis and stuff like this 120$ or trade for 81+ sorc/we/wh acc inactive " 2. rr92 Sandstorm staff PM we with offers. Only Paypal" "WTS rr 100 choppa ""Selling 2 warhammer online accounts which are under one EA account." First contain: on Karak-Norn lvl 40 rr100 choppa-full warpforged sets offensive and deffensive lvl40 rr 80 marauder-full...
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