I Got Scammed In Gunz For my level 45 acc Male. E-mail: Proof: Danny says: Hey you -????? ??????? says: ? Danny says: Do you Have the male accountant? -????? ??????? says: yes -????? ??????? says: level 45 -????? ??????? says: u got any g coins Danny says: Yes i do. -????? ??????? says: how many Danny says: alot Danny says: 120 Danny says: so? -????? ??????? says: Gifting me a female set i i will give u the acc Danny says: What kind of female set -????? ??????? says: Desert flame Danny says: the yellow one? -????? ??????? says: brownish -????? ??????? says: so..... -????? ??????? says: r u going to send for acc? Danny says: Yeah.. Danny says: Whats your id first? Danny says: ID* -????? ??????? says: for the set -????? ??????? says: or my -????? ??????? says: acc im giving u Danny says: The account Your trading to me. -????? ??????? says: qpSHADOWqp Danny says: and your account i need to send to Danny says: Thats the id? -????? ??????? says: ??? -????? ??????? says: id is to log in -????? ??????? says: ? Danny says: i meant the Login id for the account your tradign me Danny says: Yes -????? ??????? says: Omran321 -????? ??????? says: and the person ur gifitng is BellaLuv Danny says: O ok Danny says: let me make a new email before i start sending. -????? ??????? says: k Danny says: Whats the id for your account im sending to again? Danny says: Whatever. -????? ??????? says: BellaLuv -????? ??????? says: sent? Danny says: Laggin -????? ??????? says: tru Danny says: tru? -????? ??????? says: nvm -????? ??????? says: Once U have sent ill give u all the info u need for the acc Danny says: Hmm Danny says: Ok im going to start sending now. Danny says: so get ready -????? ??????? says: k Danny says: BellaLuv is that correct? -????? ??????? says: Yes Danny says: The Gift has been sent successfully. -????? ??????? says: .... -????? ??????? says: no it hasnt Danny says: Omg -????? ??????? says: dont try to trick me Danny says: Stop lying -????? ??????? says: reported -????? ??????? says: i recorded whole thing Danny says: Dude im serious Danny says: Then show me it atleast. Danny says: i want to see proof -????? ??????? says: i recorded on camera Danny says: Then i dont believe you.. Danny says: What is the type of camera Danny says: tell me the number Danny says: you have 20 seconds to answer Danny says: atleast answer half the nubmers -????? ??????? says: toshiba Danny says: numbers Danny says: numbers -????? ??????? says: its by dads camera Danny says: what version -????? ??????? says: my -????? ??????? says: 22 model x Danny says: thats not one -????? ??????? says: yes it is Danny says: =.= Danny says: google it -????? ??????? says: why would u try to scam -????? ??????? says: FK U! -????? ??????? says: U GOT MY ACC Danny says: Im godly. -????? ??????? says: U MOTHER FKER! Danny says: Good day sire. Danny says: Thank you for your cooperation. Post some non-text proof, and use the "feedback" section.