Sold I got scammed

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/MommaMaddy420, 2/15/19.

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  1. /u/MommaMaddy420

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    So, in my desperation to pay off my credit card, I put my SIF acct up. I got a message and the person said they wanted it, and proved they'd gone through with trades via screenshots. I sent transfer code and they logged off and haven't been on all day. so lost my SIF account that I've been using 4+ yrs and feel pretty bummed. Just wanted to give y'all a warning to make sure to accept payment BEFORE giving ur transfer code. Don't let desperation for money let you make bad choices like I did. Jus be careful G's

    idk if the person will see this but just know that was a love you move.

    # #/MommaMaddy420
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