I Got 100 Feedback On Ebay Account But I Cant Sell Anything ?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by erniuss, 2/26/18.

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  1. erniuss

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    Hello so i have arroind 90 feedback as a buyer and arround 10 as a seller that came from selling things that you cant find 100's of them used so like pc watercooling parts, headphones, and stuff like that . So then i thought id order few make up brushes to try maybe make like few pounds up, so i listed few items its been a month and literally not getting any watches/views, been trying to even copy paste tittle from other similar/same burshes , tried to make it more like pulling ttitle so - FREE 1ST CLASS SHIPPING / FAST DISPATCH ! and etc , but still.. yes i know all of this hassle not worth maybe for few pounds but if it worked out would try to invest a tiny amount and possibly sell of like 50 different products etc ( cheap ones for start obviously )
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