Selling  Global America 2 I don t want to play anymore. (Perfect starter for the road of UFE)

Discussion in 'Dark Orbit Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by oldironsides, 10/8/21.

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  1. oldironsides

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    If anybody's interested into buying this account, contact me at Sycorax#2694 on Discord, I will screenshare my account to judge for yourself, so you can make sure that everything on this list is accurate.
    If you want, you can see a sample of this profile here. (Viewing this also works for joint servers, Global America 3 and 4)

    Photo: bandicam 2021-09-27 22-08-11-730.jpg
    (Image was taken before being deranked.)

    Username: Sycorax
    Rank: Chief Sergeant (E-6)
    Level: 20
    Server: Global America 2
    Premium: Yes (Good for a year)
    Company (Starting/Currently): VRU
    Companies switched: VRU, MMO, VRU, MMO, VRU. (Never went to EIC, may affect honor)

    User in game cash: (Constantly changing)
    Credits: 1.4B
    Uridium: 350K

    Player positive stats: (Unpredictable future stats.)
    Experience: 5,234,519,684
    Honor points: 7,175,713
    Player shot points: 13,260
    Level: 20
    Days since registration: 221 (And counting)
    Your ship type (Cyborg)
    NPC shot points: 691,081
    Missions completed: 192
    Total players destroyed: 579

    Player negative stats: (Unpredictable future stats.)
    Friendly players destroyed: 0
    Destroyed by enemies: 1,466
    Destroyed by radiation zone: 0
    Phoenix destroyed: 0
    Most destroyed NPC: -=[Kristallon]=- (59,611 and counting)

    Alpha (1)
    Beta (1)
    Gamma (1)
    Delta (7)
    Epsilon (7)
    Zeta (11)
    Kappa (6)
    Lambda (0)
    Kronos (0)
    Hades (0)
    Kuiper (0)

    Pilot bio: (31/50)
    Ship hull | (2/2)
    Engineering (2/5)
    Shield Engineering (5/5)
    Bounty Hunter | (2/2)
    Rocket Fusion (5/5)
    Cruelty 1 (2/2)
    Ship Hull || (3/3)
    Alien hunter (5/5)
    Shield mechanics (2/5)
    Greed 2 (3/5)

    Ship list (Weakest to strongest)
    All credit ships bought.
    Vengeance (Adept, Avenger, Corsair, Revenge, Lightning)
    G-Champion (Lava, Legend, and USA)
    Goliath (Amber, Bastion, Crimson, Enforcer, Exalted, Jade, Sapphire, Veteran)
    Diminisher (Lava)
    Venom (Blaze, Ocean)
    Solace (Ocean)
    Aegis (Elite, and Veteran)
    Citadel (Elite)

    DMG-X1: +1% speed, +5% rocket damage, +11% experience for Venom and Yamato.
    DMG-T02: +12% damage, -12% shield for Tartaurus.
    SHD-X1: -2% hitchance for rockets, +8% shield, +1% evasion for Venom, Disruptor.
    SPC-WX01: +8% speed for disruptor.

    Drones: (All are level 2)
    1 Apis
    8 Iris
    1 Zeus

    Drone designs:
    15 Havoc's
    7 Hercules

    Weapons: (Not including extra's)
    Hellstorm launcers: 2 (Both are level 2)
    LF3: 0
    LF4: 40 (Twenty of them are level 2)
    LF4 Hyperplasmoid: 10 (Five are level 7, and another five of them are level 13)
    LF4 Magma: 3 (Two are level 2)
    LF4 Paritydrill: 2 (Two are level 2)
    LF4 Unstable: 25 (All of them are level 2)
    Prometheus: 3
    LF-P01: 4

    G3N-7900's: 20
    SG3N-B03: 1 (Level 2)
    SG3N-B02: 23 (Sixteen are level 2)

    Level 17
    7 laser slots
    2 generator slots
    7 gear slots
    2 protocols
    Legend Diminisher
    Borealis Chimera

    10 Green
    1 Silver

    Price: $150
    Original price: $219.04
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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